Sunday, February 24, 2008

"Shame on You"

Before I even finished posting yesterday's news about R&B singers, another one was put on the list, call it a conspiracy but J Holiday was arrested thursday in Atlanta and charged with possession of marijuana. Don not expect the media outlets to put that story to "Bed". lol

Clinton is at it again being all mad at Barack Obama. Now she accuses him of sending flyers to voters in Ohio with false information. I checked the information and the statements were about her position on Health Care (make it mandatory for everybody even if you can't afford it-true) and NAFTA( that her husband crafted and she supported-true). I don't know why this is news to her but in the last debate Obama made the same remarks and she never denied anything, all of a sudden she want to go gangsta on the brother. Shame on you Hilary.

The Oscars are on tonight and I only watched one of the movies nominated so I guess I'm ruling for "There Will Be Blood" even though I'm more likely to like "Juno" better when I get to see it. "I'm Finished" .(get it?)

SNL is back and it was funny as hell I'll post the videos later today.

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