Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fidel Castro stepped down

Decades of dictatorship just ended early this morning in Cuba when long time and imposed President of Cuba Fidel Castro resigned. It was long overdue and now the People of Cuba have hope for a democratic state, which is more than unlikely since Castro transfered his powers to his brother Raul. This country like many other African country are run like a family business, relatives of the President head the most prominent government departments. Now that the boss is forced to step down due to illness (he downplayed it for many years) he's looking to keep the monopole in the family. Kabila did it for his son in the Democratic Republic of Congo, now Castro.
It's the end of an era, but not the end of the embargo the United States has against Cuba since the late sixties. People tend to forget that Castro transfered most of his powers since 2006, this is jsut official news. Expect more of the same in the upcoming years regarding diplomatic relations between Cuba and The United States.

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