Saturday, July 26, 2008

Israeli Paper Publishes Obama Western Wall Prayer

The letter reads:
Lord — Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will

I should not be posting this because by doing so I become part of the problem but it's already around the world I might as well voice my opinion on it and for that I needed a visual, so here I go:
Are you kidding me? Where is the privacy? How can you intrude a personal relationship between a Man and God like this? Whoever is in charge of protecting those prayers should be fired, and the paper that decided to publish them should issue an apology to Senator Obama. I know he's a public figure but that's pushing it.

Get it right next time! Check out Obama's press conference with President Sarkozy in Paris, France

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