Thursday, May 7, 2009

Chicks @ A Cricket Game in Panama

Oh my Lord forgive me cause I've sin.

I never intended to look at a woman's ass-ets like that but this was beyond my will and power. The temptation took over me and I asked for your help, forgivenes and understanding because I intend to look at this again every day just to find the strength to make it through and night to sleep like a baby for the rest of my life.
Lord, how do these pants fit into that ass like a thong/boy shorts? I have so much to learn in this world and this is a mystery I plan to solve by making a trip to Panama. I'm on a mission and I'm asking for your guidance.


If this was a movie, this track will be its soundtrack.

BK Cyph - Ode to Panamania Cricket

Props to SmokingSection.

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