Wednesday, September 24, 2008

John McCain Trying to Avoid Friday's Debate

What a chicken!

First Sarah Palin avoiding the press wherever she goes and now John McCain giving a press conference (the first since he's been the Republican nominee) to announce that he's suspending the campaign to go back to Washington and solve the economic crisis. Negro please! who are you trying to fool, the campaign is probably panicking after the latest polls were released, showing a huge bump for Obama due to that crisis. John McCain hasn't been on the Senate floor since February missing all the major votes like the latest Energy Bill. I call it a political gimmick and I'm glad Obama is not falling for it. Besides the debate is at 9 p.m, you can still go to Washington and show up for the debate no need for suspension. A real President multitasks, if he can't handle that hectic schedule well then he's not suited for the job.

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