Monday, April 21, 2008

Nas "N-word" album

I don't know what's wrong with this dude. OK there is Freedom of Speech but there is also responsibility in your acts. I shouldn't be dignifying this but NAS is still going strong about dropping his "N-word" album. What is your objective on this one? educate or rally more white people to scream your lyrics filled with hate at your concerts or in their cars. He probably wants to shock the mainstream media one more time after all the attention brought by Don Imus and The Rutgers University fiasco. Miss Info just leaked what seem to be the lead single of his album. The song is titled "Be a n....r too". Hey Nas if you have no self respect for yourself and consider yourself a "N.....r" go ahead and call yourself that but don't try to flatter your ego by inviting others to call themselves like that. I thought you were smarter than that. What happened to the beautiful poetry you use to write, you have fell off your pedestal, I have no more respect for your music. You know the history behind that word, and for you, a black man to try to make it cool and use it as a shock value just to boost some Cd sales it's not only ignorant but also shameful. That word comes with so much baggage, I even have a problem with the one my fellow black brothers use among them. I refused to be demeaned like that or have my heritage reduce to such self hatred and racism.
Do some good for your community, lead by example...Wash your mouth!
Don't do it reconsider.


Anonymous said...

your a faggot! fuck you

sedmos said...

where's the constructive criticism?