I understand she's still got a chance to win a nomination, but she gotta be the bigger man and understand how historical for this country having an american of african descent elected President of the United States (McCain has no chance). Edwards understood how historical it was to have a woman and a black man run for president at this stage of the competition. the shake up in her campaign staff is a sign of weakness for me; a few months ago she thought her name will win it for her, she took it for granted and under estimated Obama's ability of rallying independents, republicans and democrats around the same cause: Hope for a better future in America. Now she switched up her tactics and is going really hard on him on TV ads. One of those ads is claiming that Obama refused a debate in Ohio, really Hilary that's all you got, the democrats had more than 20 debates since the beginning of this campaign she really thinks at this stage another couple hours repeating the same line and rhetorics will convince voters. We already know what you stand for, and your agenda. What the public is looking for now is likability, charisma and personality qualities she doesn't have over Barack. Thats's why they are worried and that's why they are attacking him like that.
You know peole say they see a lot of Kennedy in Barack but what I see is a lot of Mandela, you cannot not like this guy and his family. He's the best man for the job because america has a lot image issues to fix around the world. He's already appealing to the majority of Americans and the rest of the world wants him as President, fly overseas and you will see.
Please DNC do not let superdelegates decide this outcame, Democracy is for the People, By the People, and the People have decided they want Barack Obama.
We want Change/Yes We can.
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