Thursday, October 16, 2008

3rd Presidential Debate

The most entertaining out of the three debates, they saved their best performances for last. Last impression that is since they won't be facing the American Public until one of them becomes President of The United States.

Most journalists and pundits finally got what they asked for, more engagement between the two candidates, it started with Senator McCain on offense challenging Senator Obama's economic policies, his character and his judgement. It got a little bit tense when the subject of attack ads and William Ayers was brought to the table. Both men went at each other for their recent campaign ads, blaming the other for their misleading contents and also the tone used at some of the rallies prompting animosity towards Obama. Senator McCain got feisty when Obama tied him once again to the Bush administration, McCain answered back by saying I'm not President Bush if you wanted to run against him you should have run 4 years ago. Obama kept his cool as usual focusing less on the pettiness and more on the issues.

Now it's time for the American people to decide who is the better man to lead this country out of misery back into prosperity and revive the American Dream. It seems, looking at the latest polls that America is "Getting it Right" by pushing Obama in double digit lead in National polls. Yet it's not enough and you can't trust those numbers until the official ones are out on November 4th.

Keep Getting It Right America!

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