Sarah Who?
Senator McCain shocked the world with his announcement of Sarah Palin as his VP. Talk about judgement here, you've been pounding Obama about his inexperience for months so what do you do when it's time to pick a VP you pick someone younger and even less inexperienced than Obama.
Republicans are so hypocrites, I guess the issue of experience is off the table now. This is a political move to attract Hilary's supporters, they think that's going to work but they forg0t one thing, she's no Hilary.
Nobody ever heard of her before today, she's only been Governor of Alaska for 18 months and she's under investigation for firing her former brother-in-law.
The hardcore Republican base is happy for the choice because she's a conservative and pro-life but others are worried. If McCain wanted a woman I'm sure there was one more qualified somewhere, I don't know like Condoleeza Rice for example.
John McCain blew an opportunity to find a good match up for Joe Biden, Joe is going to eat her alive at the debate. Mitt Romney was a better choice but then again he couldn't pick him because of the harsh words they exchanged during the Republican primaries.
Democrats are smiling right now especially after a successful Convention, they are already picking furniture for The White House