Sunday, July 13, 2008

Rocsi Can't Take A Joke and Walks Off Stage (106 & Park)

Terrence J went really hard on the jokes and pushed Rocsi to the limits. She couldn't take it and didn't come back after one commercial break.
C'mon girl, interactions with your co-host is part of the job requirement and you are both supposed to entertain your viewers even if we have to laugh at your expense. Next time be professional and hit him back even harder with a zinger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you really want to keep it funky,oh boy shoulda been the one who walked out!first of all; he is TOO animated and hype,and he appears very pretentious.To me he looks like a gay azz dude,trying to hard;to be hard.It's ok to joke,but not your partners expense.I support Rocsi's walkout,even if BET won't !!!